Code of Conduct 2023/24


1. Come ready to work
2. Be respectful
3. Create a safe environment for you and others

The Code of Conduct is promoted through community meetings, student leadership, TA, classes and interventions by all staff. Conduct is monitored and reviewed regularly through incident reports, behavior reports and student service meetings. Our school staff is committed to making our school free of abuse, bullying, discrimination, intimidation, hate and physical violence. The Code of Conduct promotes the values of the BC Human Rights Code:

We, the students and staff at SJ Burnside Education Centre, are committed to promoting a safe learning environment that respects the rights of all individuals, values diversity, and is free from all forms of discrimination, including: race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation or age.

The Code of Conduct encourages problem prevention, peaceful problem-solving and a safe and welcoming environment.


When addressing inappropriate behavior, we provide students with opportunities and guidance to take responsibility for their actions. Students are helped to learn from their mistakes and to resolve issues. Generally, the administration will consider two factors in determining consequences:

• The need for the student to learn from the situation and change future behavior

• The need for the school community to feel that serious issues are responded to appropriately. Depending on the nature, severity, and frequency of the behavioral concern(s), school personnel may notify a student’s parents/guardians of incidents of misconduct. If behaviors continue over time, consequences may increase in response. It must be noted that considerations will be made for students with unique needs in relation to their ability to adhere to the Code of Conduct in fairness

Mandatory consequences are required when students commit certain kinds of inappropriate behavior. The range of consequences includes verbal and written warnings, detentions and suspensions from school. School administration will notify a student’s parents/ guardians and the District’s Associate Superintendents in writing of any suspensions. Police and/or other agencies will be notified of known or suspected misconduct as required by policy or law, or if their involvement is required by school personnel in addressing an incident or concern.

Student conduct and discipline actions shall be in accordance with The Local Education Agreement with Songhees Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 11.0) and the Local Education Agreement with Esquimalt Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 12.0).